children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

productivity in procrastination

I haven’t done the ironing.  I haven’t done the tax.  I haven’t processed my mastercard payment.  I haven’t made my bed.  I haven’t done the home bookwork, the business bookwork, or signed documents.  I haven’t finished crocheting Clare’s cardigan.  I haven’t finished crocheting Clare’s poncho.  I haven’t been to the gym. I haven’t sewn up a bag that’s been in pieces for months.  I haven’t arranged quotes for a new side fence.  I haven’t cut out or sewn up a jacket.  I haven’t sewn up any of the three cut-out garments that have been waiting for months.  I very absolutely definitely haven’t started quilting a quilt for a wedding that is less than a month away.  I haven’t sorted through the kids clothes to get rid of the ones that are outgrown.  I haven’t sorted through mine either.  I haven’t cooked a meal.  I haven’t hung out the washing.

I have made two dresses.  It’s all Karen’s fault.  She said she was going to sew a Maya dress, by Saturday at the latest.  I turned her plans into my own little sewalong. One for Clare:

Clare's Maya dress

and one for Stella:

Stella's Maya dress

They are SO excited to be wearing the same dress. Clare’s is in size 6, Stella’s is a 2. These are easy to sew and the girls love them. I changed the construction order slightly the second time I made it to suit my preferences, but overall it’s a simple pattern for a comfy dress. They remind me of the ones I wore back in the early 80s – what goes around, comes around. The fabric is from Spotty – all cotton interlock.


At least my procrastination is productive! Both girls have have asked for more of these. I wonder what else I can put off in order to fulfill their requests.