craft, crochet, sewing, tutorials

Crochet hook roll

Since I have recently upgraded my crochet tools with two new sets, a set of bamboo hooks and a set of Clover Soft Touch hooks (both bought via eBay), I thought that they deserved a nice new hook roll all of their own!

I think that the outer fabric is by Michael Miller (but I could be wrong); the binding is some of the many metres I made with fabric from Spotlight.

The interior fabrics are a mixture of Alexander Henry’s Birdseed fabric, Moda’s Summer in the City stripe, and the Spotlight floral.  I used a layer of Pellon fusible wadding inbetween the lining and outer fabric.  The roll is based on this tutorial

I learned a big lesson while making this roll – listen to my instincts.  I made a one to two hour sewing project into a five hour one.  Voice inside my head says to apply the binding by hand.  I ignored it and tried to apply the binding by just wrapping it around the edges, then machine sewing it into place.  Disastrous – wonky sewing that didn’t catch the binding on both sides.  Time to unpick, stitch by stitch.  Second try – sewed the binding to the outside by machine.  That went fine.  Then while ignoring the voice inside my head that says to apply the binding by hand I wrapped the binding around to the inside and pinned it all into place to machine sew it down.  Finished result – wonky stitching once again that wasn’t all stitched in the ditch on the other side.  Time to unpick, stitch by stitch.  Sit down, watch a movie, and handsew the binding into place.  Much, much better.  Don’t ignore the nagging voice.